Counseling doesn’t look the same for everyone. Whether it is art, wilderness, or traditional talk therapy that connects with you - we all need emotional support sometimes, at any age. Let’s explore what might work best for you.
Beyond the couch
Hi, I’m Jess Falconer. I’ve lived and worked as a therapist in midcoast Maine for ten years, with clients ranging in age from 6 to 86. If I’ve learned one thing over the years it’s that therapy looks different for every person, regardless of age. I’ve done a lot of work with trauma, family systems work, wilderness therapy, art therapy, and mindfulness. I’m a big believer in figuring out what works best for each individual, and age doesn’t matter - some elementary aged kids want to sit still and talk and some seniors would like to hike; a middle aged veteran might want to do art with glitter at the table and the mom of four might just need some time to cry. And sometimes, we all might need all of those things. So I started Wild Wellness with that in mind - there are different paths to therapy for everyone.